
Support La Leche League

La Leche League is a nonprofit organization, and La Leche League Leaders are volunteers. Leaders must pay fees each year to keep La Leche League operating. We rely on donations not only help Leaders meet their financial obligations but also to keep local groups running and to finance outreach so we can serve more breastfeeding families in Oregon. We appreciate all donations, large and small!

Financial Contribution to Oregon LLL or Local Group

You can make a financial contribution to La Leche League of Oregon through PayPal. You can use the “Donate” button provided below, or send it to us at ‘[email protected]’.  When making a PayPal donation for a specific purpose – like Leader dues, please also send us an email letting us know your intent. If you would like to donate specifically to your local group, please contact your local Leader to make a cash or check payment. La Leche League is a nonprofit organization so please let us know if you would like a donation receipt for tax purposes.  

It costs a Leader approximately $55 annually in Leader fees to maintain their Leadership status. A contribution of this amount would allow a Leader to not have to pay out-of-pocket for volunteer expenses. Contributions of ANY size are greatly appreciated.

Your Donation
  • 55.00